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Indiana presidental primary 2016: polls have Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz and Todd Young leading

(Photo supplied/Mike Downs Center for Indiana Politics)

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WOWO):  It’s a last minute push by presidential candidates across the sate of Indiana, and the latest polls show what they’re up against in the Tuesday primary.

The Indiana Downs Center for Indiana Politics released their latest poll after interviewing 400 random voters who are likely to vote in the upcoming May 3rd primary.

Senator Ted Cruz is taking the lead for the Republicans and Secretary Hillary Clinton is leading the Democrats. Representative Todd Young is beating Representative Marlin Stutzman.

When asked, “If you were to vote in the Republican primary and you were standing in the voting booth right now, would you vote for…”, Ted Cruz took 44.8 percent of the vote, Donald Trump got 29 percent and John Kasich got 13.3 percent.  In all 13 percent said they didn’t know who they plan on voting for.

Meanwhile, when asked, “If you were to vote in the Democratic primary and you were standing in the voting booth right now, would you vote for…”, 55 percent responded for Hillary Clinton, 40.3 percent for Bernie Sanders and 4.8 percent haven’t decided.

In the open U.S. Senate Primary race, Todd Young leads Marlin Stutzman by a 41.8 percent to 33.5 percent margin, with as many as 24.8 percent not knowing which way they were voting.

However when asked, “Would you say your preference for this candidate was strong or not strong?”, Stutzman leads Young with a 61.9 percent to 50.9 percent.

The Mike Downs Center for Indiana Politics is a non-partisan organization that helps the people of Indiana understand the role of politics and government in their daily lives.  They’re located on the campus of Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne (IPFW).

The margin of error associated with the 400 completed interviews of likely voters is 4.9 percent at the 95 percent level of confidence.  There were no weights applied to these results.

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