Farm News

NCGA Testifies Against WOTUS Changes

Courtesy of NCGA

The National Corn Growers cautioned the EPA about moving forward with a rule that could give the government expanded regulatory power across American farmlands. NCGA President Chris Edgington gave testimony as the Environmental Protection Agency considers a proposed rule revising the definition of “Waters of the United States” under the Clean Water Act. The proposed rule would give the federal government leeway to assert jurisdiction over features that are remote from and carry only minor volumes of water to downstream navigable waters. “The Clean Water Act simply doesn’t allow the agencies to insert themselves into local and farmer land-use decisions in the manner that was proposed,” said Edington during testimony. “There is a limit under the CWA to the direct federal control over land-use decision and policies.” The Iowa farmer added that proper CWA policy respects the roles of each participant in the system, including landowners, citizens, and all levels of government.

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