Local News

Threatening photo of Carroll High School student being investigated

Photo Supplied/Northwest Allen County Schools

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WOWO) – Northwest Allen County Schools Superintendent Wayne Barker sent a letter and voicemail to parents, students, and staff Friday evening about a threatening photo circulating on social media.

A release said that student safety continues to be a priority.

Below is Barker’s letter,

Dear NACS Family,

It has been brought to our attention that a disturbing photo of a Carroll High School student with a firearm is circulating on social media. Northwest Allen County Schools adamantly opposes such racist and violent comments and we are investigating the situation.

Our preliminary investigation suggests that this threat is not the work of the student in the photo so we ask that all people withhold judgment about this student and avoid jumping to conclusions until all of the facts are known. Social media posts and photos are easily manipulated and shared at a rapid rate. We are working to find who is responsible for this post and hold them accountable for their actions.

We appreciate the cooperation we are receiving from the community because we are ALL responsible for keeping each other safe.

Wayne Barker
Northwest Allen County Schools

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1 comment

Slacker06 February 14, 2023 at 9:22 am

Weak school people are so easily triggered. Not all that long ago kids routinely took REAL guns to school to either target practice after school or go hunting after school to help feed their family. In some parts of the country this is still happening. Before kids could drive to school they’d keep their rifles in their wall locker all with the approval of the school leaders. And SHAZAM! no one got killed or injured or even threatened. What changed? Did the rifle change? or did society change by not teaching the laws or morality of our society. As long as our schools continue to remove the entity that created morality there will be no morality. Well that’s not true. A Godless morality will fill the void. For the last 24 hours we have been inundated with stories about a school shooting at Michigan State. But the killer was a 43 year old black male not connected to the school. Why was that guy shooting up the school? Perhaps the students didn’t pay their drug bills. Then killed himself so we cannot discover his motivations. So now Gretchen the Evil Witch of the North can get her gun control bills passed and signed that will naturally have no future effect because morality and respect for the law and others is dead and gone. Except for the 99.99999% of the those whose guns did not participate in a crime will be punished. At about 1 am on Sunday our doorbell was rung. We think this was an attempt to determine if our house was occupied. Our dog alerted with loud and vociferous barking. The stooge decamped our area so fast he mused up our landscaping. In the meantime we turned on our outside lights and remand well armed for the rest of the night. Others in our neighborhood reported gun fire. Another neighbor reported their dog alerting for some reason. My point is that the 2nd Amendment is there for a reason and the cops cannot be everywhere all the time. You are responsible for your own security. You are your own first responder. But the Evil Witch of the North does not want that to happen. Her policies will tip the advantage towards the criminal and away form the Law-Abiding American Taxpayer/Citizen. Chaos is the goal.


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