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Over 50 bikers escort bullied DeKalb County kid to school

(Source: https://goo.gl/nRupTC License: https://goo.gl/OOAQfn)

DEKALB COUNTY, Ind. (WOWO): Some bikers in DeKalb County had a heart of gold for a young boy going to school this past week.

A group of more than 50 bikers with United Motorcycle Enthusiasts escorted DeKalb Middle School student Phil Mick to his first day of school. This, after his mother reached out to Brent Warfield of KDZ Motorcycle Sales & Service about Phil’s issues with bullies.

His mother told the Journal-Gazette that Phil Mick was bullied so much, he would call himself worthless and stupid. Warfield, who has been raising awareness about bullying and teen suicide for years, stepped in.

Over 50 bikers, some coming over an hour away, met with Phil, ate breakfast with him, prayed with him, then escorted him to school. Phil was uplifted afterwards, and DeKalb Middle School Principal Matt Vince commended the biker group for stepping up to help Phil out.

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