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Police announce increased patrolling in March to combat aggressive driving

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WOWO) The Allen County Traffic Safety Partnership has announced that area police departments will be boosting up their patrols in March to fight aggressive driving.

The Allen County TSP along with 230 other law enforcement agencies in Indiana want to warn drivers of their increased patrolling this month.  With spring around the corner and higher temperatures coming into the area, Indiana drivers tend to speed more often and take more risks when driving.

According to Lt. Tony Maze of the Fort Wayne Police Department, “The rules of the road are not only the law, they are designed to help everyone reach their destination safely and efficiently.”  Maze also says that their aim is to prevent unsafe driving and save lives by warning drivers of their aggressive driving enforcement.

Some of the top causes of crashes that lead to injuries are failing to yield the right of way, following too closely, unsafe lane movement violations, speeds too fast for weather conditions, disregarding a traffic signal or sign and improper passing, turning or lane usage.

Statistics show that young drivers, especially young men, are more likely to practice unsafe driving behaviors before crashing.  You can find more information and the latest statistics in the most recent Crash Fact Book and Dangerous Driving Fact Sheet published with the Indiana University Public Policy Institute by clicking here.

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