Indiana News

Attorney General Shuts Down Massive Robocall Operation

(Photo Supplied/Rokita for Senate)

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (WOWO):  Attorney General Todd Rokita this week obtained judgments shutting down a massive robocall operation that has blasted billions of illegal robocalls to people across the country, including in Indiana. In 2019 and 2020 alone, the defendants bombarded Hoosiers with more than 25 million robocalls.

In a statement released from his office, Rokita stated “Winning the war on robocallers requires constantly staying on offense and tracking the latest technologies the scammers are using to carry out their schemes,” Attorney General Rokita said. “We have pledged to do that since we first took office, and we continue to make good on that promise.”

Rokita sued the defendants in June 2020 alleging violations of the federal Telephone Consumer Protection Act and the federal Telemarketing Sales Rule, as well as various state consumer protection laws. The complaint alleged that defendants used their companies to perpetrate scams involving extended car warranties and health care services, among other things.

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Slacker06 March 7, 2023 at 8:57 am

Todd Rokita is the ONLY state official actually protecting Hoosiers from Criminals. The rest are criminals themselves. Dopey Prince Eric the Chinless Wonder of Hoosierville is turning out to be a tyrant wanna be with his massive spending on the state health department. Search for what is happening in Santa Clraa County, California to see where this will lead.

We need more Todd's March 13, 2023 at 8:21 am

I wish we could clone Todd and vote him in for other positions


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