INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (WOWO) – Indiana free file allows anyone with an adjusted gross income of $66,000 or less in 2018 to file their state and federal taxes online for free. Thousands of college students quality for the program and many of them may not even know it.
Indiana Department of Revenue Commissioner Adam Krupp says “Filing taxes can be a challenge to college students” and adds “Some students may not even realize they need to file taxes, while others may not be aware of the services available to assist them in filing.”
Indiana residents are required to file an Indiana State tax return if the made $1000 or more of income in 2018. All non-residents are required to file Indiana taxes on any income earned in Indiana.
The Department of Revenue would like to remind residents that filing their taxes electronically results in people getting their potential refunds up to six times faster. You can save an additional week by opting for the direct deposit option for your refund.
College students can get more information on filing taxes at the Indiana Department of Revenue’s website at and click on the “Individual Income Taxes” option.