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Council hesitant on North River land deal

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WOWO): The proposal that would see the City of Fort Wayne buy 29 acres north of the St. Mary’s River might have hit a snag.

The City is looking at buying the so-called North River property, near Science Central, in an agreement that would have the City assume responsibility for any environmental cleanup needed.

RELATED: City of Fort Wayne plans to purchase North River property

That’s been the sticking point, as several Council members expressed hesitations during last night’s City Council meeting. Michael Barranda, Paul Ensley, Russ Jehl and Glynn Hines all took the same stance, according to the Journal Gazette, saying the city shouldn’t assume liability without at least seeing the results of an environmental study on the property.

The Council will have to grant approval by the 28th in order for the deal to move forward.

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