Indiana News

Indiana AG Todd Rokita announces additional volume to Parents Bill of Rights

U.S. Rep. Todd Rokita

STATEWIDE–You might remember in 2021 when Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita said he was releasing a “Parents Bill of Rights.” On Tuesday, he said he’s adding to it.

“I’m beyond excited to announce our fourth and what may be our final installment to the Parents Bill of Rights. In its full form, it’s 108 pages. It contains over 151 direct and specific questions for parents to use in educating themselves and giving themselves confidence in themselves to go before school boards and interact with the government,” said Rokita in a Tuesday news conference.

Rokita says he’s seeing more parents engaging with school boards and trying to hold them accountable, which he says is encouraging.

“It’s not the teacher’s job and it’s certainly not the government’s job to raise our kids. It’s our job as parents,” said Rokita.

He says the fourth volume focuses primarily on religious liberty in schools.

“It’s taking the initiative and caring enough of about our children’s future to discuss religious freedom,” said Rokita.

Here are excerpts from the fourth volume.

-Teachers and school employees may meet together for prayer or Bible study during non-instructional time (before school, at lunch, after school) to the same extent they may engage in non-religious discussion and activities.

-Any discussion which goes beyond relevant and appropriate classroom discussions or study of religion in history, art, music, and culture, as part of the secular educational mission of the schools would be legally problematic. Schools must remain neutral on religious matters during instructional time.

-It also says that teachers and school employees are allowed to wear religious clothing or jewelry at school.

There are also six rights listed in the document.

-To question and address your child’s school officials and school board members at publicly designated meetings with proper notice of the meetings provided

-To question and review the curriculum taught in your child’s school by questioning local school boards and school administrators

-To expect that the academic curriculum taught in your child’s school aligns with Indiana and federal law

-To participate in the selection and approval of academic standards for the State of Indiana

-To obtain educational materials and curriculum taught to your child in the classroom

-To run as a candidate for your local school board

“This document has been very well received by parents across Indiana,” said Rokita.

You can read the full document here. 

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1 comment

kent strock August 9, 2023 at 12:50 pm

Guess what? corporations, other than light manufacturing because they can pollute with impugnity, are not coming to Indiana. A state filled with backward ignorance is not conducive to drawing intellectual and new economy jobs.


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