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Indiana GOP picks Micah Beckwith as Republican nominee for Lieutenant Governor

(Photo supplied/Indiana Republican Party)

The Indiana Republican Party 2024 State Convention was held Saturday, during which the Republican nominee for Lieutenant Governor was chosen… and it isn’t who you may have expected.

If you have been following the Governor’s race, you will know that Sen. Mike Braun had indicated that he wanted State Rep. Julie McGuire as his running mate. Former President Donald Trump even endorsed her.

While it seemed likely that McGuire would be chosen as the Republican nominee for Lieutenant Governor, there was another in the running: Micah Beckwith.

Well, Beckwith – a conservative pastor a co-host of the “Jesus, Sex and Politics” podcast – ultimately received the nomination. Results were close, though, with Beckwith only getting about 51% of the votes.

Following the delegates’ choice, many Hoosiers expressed their opinions on social media. One person called this “a rejection of the endorsements… by President Trump and Senator Mike Braun.”

Another individual Tweeted, “There’s no one more deserving than Mike Braun to spend the next four years attached at the hip to Micah Beckwith.”

The Indiana Democratic Party also responded to the news, with Party Chairman Mike Schmuhl saying, “Micah Beckwith’s win shows how out-of-the-mainstream extremism has hijacked the current Indiana GOP.”

Schmuhl went on to note that Beckwith is “dangerous for business, dangerous for women, dangerous for families, and dangerous for Indiana’s future.”

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