INDIANAPOLIS (Inside INdiana Business): A healthcare company based in Texas and Indiana has released results of an independent lab test of a topical medical formulation it says mitigates the coronavirus from entering the body through the nasal passages.
Advanced Penetration Technology LLC says the product reduces the likelihood of people becoming infected with the virus.
APT says it set out to determine if an existing product, already in use as an anti-fungal, anti-bacterial topical therapy, might be effective against the virus. London-based research laboratory Virology Research Services Ltd. evaluated the anti-viral impact of the product, named APT T3X, against the coronavirus and influenza A virus.
The lab concluded the product is a highly-effective formulation against the coronavirus and can effectively neutralize viral infectivity within seconds.
“We believe this will be a breakthrough that will reduce the likelihood of becoming infected with Coronavirus through the nose, which is where most cases are contracted,” said Dr. Brian Huber, chief executive officer and founder of APT. “This is a big deal. It is the type of protection a lot of people have been hoping for and could be the first line of defense against the COVID virus. It is a powerful and effective layer of prevention.”
APT’s product is a topical liquid formulation applied inside the nasal passages by a cotton tip applicator. By coating the nasal passages, APT says a barrier is formed that will reduce the viral load of exposure.
“As this virus took off last spring, we thought the APT T3X product had a chance of preventing or reducing the ability of the virus to enter the human body through the nose,” Huber said. “We felt it was our call-to-duty to try. That’s why we sent APT T3X to an independent virology lab for proper antiviral evaluation and tests. We’re highly encouraged by the laboratory results and conclusions. The APT T3X is also a highly effective antiviral formulation. Until there is a vaccine, the best thing we can do is prevent the virus from entering someone’s body through the nose, which is what our product does.”
The company says even with the use of APT T3X, the virus may still enter a body through the mouth and the eyes. However, APT says a recent study by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology concluded that people contract COVID-19 and other viruses primarily through the nose.
The company says plans are underway to scale for mass production.