Local News

Allen County Road Closure Update

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WOWO): A few roads remain closed in Allen County:

from the Allen County Highway Department:

the following road closings due to flooding as of 2:45 p.m. Friday:

*Ellison Rd. from Liberty Mills Rd. to Branstrator Rd.
*Aboite Center Rd. & W. Hamilton Rd. intersection
*Branstrator Rd. from Lower Huntington Rd. to Yohne Rd.
*Yohne Rd. from Smith Rd. to Branstrator Rd.
* Smith Rd. from Knoll Rd. to Lower Huntington Rd.

The portion of Smith Rd. that has been closed between Lower Huntington Rd. & Yohne Rd. is expected to reopen sometime between 6:00 and 7:00 this evening.

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