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FWCS Takes Stance On Controversial Education Bill

Photo Supplied - FWCS

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WOWO):  Members of FWCS Board have officially gone on record of making a stance on a controversial education bill.

According to our partners in news at ABC21, Fort Wayne Community Schools board members voted unanimously Monday, formally objecting to a state legislative bill they believe goes too far in influencing how teachers can address topics like race and politics. The board took the vote opposing House Bill 1134, which critics say would insert unwelcome government intervention into the classroom.

The president of the Fort Wayne Education Association, the FWCS teachers union, says the bill micro-manages classroom activities. The bill got approval from the House and a Senate committee is set to discuss the measure at the Statehouse on today.

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Who do they think they are? February 16, 2022 at 8:13 am

“We Object to teaching the [schools’] children to be racists, hate Republicans, Fear Life, Biology doesn’t exist and even hate their own parents. Who do those politicians think they are? They act like they are being the voice of concerns parents. And who do these Parents think they are? They act like they care about kids that belong to the school system. We are going to teach our kids (not your kids) whatever we want even if you pass a law because we don’t answer to the law…we answer to the Democrat Party.” – Fort Wayne Education Association & the FWCS teachers union

James Brown February 17, 2022 at 7:32 am

Children are innocent. Preconceptions are taught. The Teachers Unions and FWCS deserve the right to be heard but do not deserve the right to NOT recognize when Parent’s request data / curriculum from schools regarding what their children are being taught. And THAT is exactly what is happening. Public schools (some, not all) are ignoring parent’s legal requests to see what is being taught and then making decisions they feel are best for their kids. This mass narrative has been going on, albeit slowly but steadily, for decades now. CRT and the controversial topics regarding gender, etc., are foreign to children…they are innocent. But filling their little heads with mush such as CRT does, is not education. It is indoctrination. If this continues you will see parents rise up even more and demand accountability. Every other profession has watchdog groups that oversee abuse of power etc. Except the public education system. Keep it up FWCS and other ‘woke’ school districts. Go woke…get broke. Parents will pull kids from school, adapt, improvise and overcome this mass indoctrination narrative if they have to. I feel bad for the teachers…but not the small minority of race baiting, gender pushing clowns that claim they have the children’s best interest in mind.

Dave February 17, 2022 at 1:06 pm

The constitution says – Citizens rule the government obey or be fired!

Russel the Love Mussel Jehl February 18, 2022 at 3:13 pm

I was going to teach my children to hate Republicans but they came to it all by themselves from just being around them here in Indiana. Legislating books hmmm? Sounds Nazi-esque wouldn’t you say? Who has the super majority again? Oh yeah, the Nazi party!


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