
President Trump’s Plan To Replace Obamacare

As President Donald Trump has announced his proposed plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, several questions have been asked in regards to the new plan.  Tarren Bragdon, CEO of the Foundation for Government Accountability joined “Fort Wayne’s Morning News” to breakdown the plan and answer the most frequently asked questions.

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1 comment

Michael E. C. Moss September 29, 2020 at 8:09 am

I wish you – and especially, Tarren Bragdon – would find the time to read this prescription for the one and only kind of healthcare reform that would address the problems Mr. Bragdon has identified, problems he has not really solved: http://www.mecmoss.com/obamacare-is-not-insurance/

The Bragdon recommendations are a band-aid, not a solution. The solution presented by Prof. John Cochrane of the Hoover Institution and explained in the linked article, is the one and only free-market solution, a solution that slashes costs while protecting the needy and those with pre-existing conditions.


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