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Does “mudslinging” work in politics? Brendan Bordelon thinks so

With the recent back and forth between GOP presidential frontrunners Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, the personal lives of candidates have come to the forefront. Rumors have circulated about both of the candidates, and their wives are not immune to the mudslinging. Pictures of Melania Trump and Heidi Cruz have both been found on the internet in an attempt to disparage their image. Both camps have stated they were not behind the pictures, and Ted Cruz stated that wives and children should be off-limits. In another act of rumors overtaking the campaign, an accusatory story ran in a national tabloid magazine recently that claimed it would reveal unsavory details about Ted Cruz’s personal life. Cruz condemned the publication for spreading lies and accused Trump’s camp of being behind it. With talks of a contested convention, these feuds show no signs of stopping, especially if Cruz has a large showing in next week’s Wisconsin primary, where the state’s governor has already backed the candidate.

Brendan Bordelon joined Charly Butcher on “Fort Wayne’s Morning News” to talk about “Does mudslinging work in politics?”

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