Fort Wayne, Ind. (City of Fort Wayne) – The City of Fort Wayne’s Community Development Division announced a new pilot program for eligible neighborhoods called Curb Appeal. It is designed to support neighborhood revitalization by incentivizing property owners to repair or enhance their property’s exterior appearance. The program provides matching funds to residents who meet all eligibility requirements through reimbursement on a first-come, first-serve basis until all program funds are allocated.
“Neighborhoods are the backbone of our community. It’s critical that we continue to find new ways to make a positive difference to ensure our neighborhoods remain strong and vibrant,” said Mayor Tom Henry.
The pilot program allows residents to apply as a single residence or submit an application with a neighboring property. Participants in the program must provide a minimum of 20% matching funds.
- Single Application: maximum amount is $2,500 (80% of project cost up to $2,500)
- Neighboring Property Application: maximum amount is $4,000 for each property (80% of project cost up to $4,000). Applications must be submitted within 24 hours of each other to be considered.
All projects must be visible from public sidewalk and/or street right of way of the same address in which the property is located (typically within the front or side yards). Eligible projects and expenditures in the program can include tree and/or shrub removal, maintenance or installation; exterior washing or painting of the primary building; tuck pointing, masonry repair or reconstruction of the primary building and existing masonry walls; repair, reconstruction, removal or installation of fencing, private walks, or driveways/driveway aprons. Additional projects enhancing a property’s curb appeal may be eligible, and applications will be reviewed prior to any work beginning.
Program availability is for owners of residential properties within eligible neighborhoods. These neighborhood areas were selected because they recently or are actively involved in developing a neighborhood plan in partnership with the Community Development Division and the Neighborhood Planning and Activation Workgroup.
Goals of the program:
- Assist in neighborhood revitalization and improve its appearance and image
- Improve the value of housing within eligible neighborhoods
- Provide property owners with resources to make improvements to the exterior of their homes and their property
- Assist with improvement projects and investments that may not otherwise take place
- Encourage further investment by neighboring and nearby property owners
- Promote safe housing
Applications can be found at and will be open on April 10. Additionally, residents are encouraged to utilize the website as a reference in the upcoming weeks to prepare their applications.
For additional information or assistance completing the Curb Appeal application, e-mail or call 3-1-1.