APIndiana News

Indiana Governor In Taiwan Following High-Profile US Visits

(Supplied/Gov. Eric Holcomb)

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — Indiana’s Republican governor met with Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen Monday morning, following two recent high-profile visits by U.S. politicians that drew China’s ire and Chinese military drills that included firing missiles over the island.

Gov. Eric Holcomb arrived Sunday evening in Taiwan for a four-day visit that will focus on economic exchange, particularly semiconductors, according to a statement from his office.

His visit is coming at a tense moment for Taiwan, China and the U.S. after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan earlier this month. China claims self-ruled Taiwan as its own territory and views exchanges with foreign governments as an infringement on its claims.

Tsai acknowledged the tensions in her opening remarks ahead of their meeting Monday morning and welcomed further exchanges.

“In the midst of this, Taiwan has been confronted by military threats from China, in and around the Taiwan Strait. At this moment, democratic allies must stand together and boost cooperation in all areas,” Tsai said. “Building on our existing foundation of collaboration, I look forward to our supporting one another, and advancing hand in hand, forging closer relations and creating even deeper cooperation.”

In response to Pelosi’s visit, China’s military held several days of exercises that included warplanes flying toward the island and warships sailing across the midline of the Taiwan Strait, an unofficial buffer between the island and mainland.

China also imposed visa bans and other sanctions on several Taiwanese political figures, though it’s unclear what effect the sanctions would have.

Holcomb emphasized the economic nature of his visit, mentioning that the state is among the top in the U.S. for direct foreign investment and was home to 10 Taiwanese companies. “We both seek to deepen and enhance our already excellent cooperation that we’ve established over the years,” he said.

Holcomb will also meet representatives of the semiconductor industry, and is expected to promote academic and tech cooperation between Taiwan and the state of Indiana. The delegation is meeting with National Yang-Ming University and National Cheng Kung University as part of the exchange.

He is traveling with officials from the state’s economic development council, as well as the dean of engineering at Purdue University, an institution which has just established a semiconductors degree program. He will visit South Korea next.

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LOS August 22, 2022 at 8:33 am

The most regretful vote I ever made. Proving his loyalty to the system, Holcomb is not a conservative.

Say NO to Communism August 23, 2022 at 7:16 am

First, He strips Freedoms from Hoosiers in the name of Covid, then a trip to Davos to get his name in with the World Economic Forum WEF (Central Planning), hoping to have a seat at the table. Now he follows Nancy Pelosi’s footsteps and makes a trip to Taiwan…This trip ONLY benefits Holcomb…HE wants to seem more worldly

Wakeup Indiana. Holcomb is a fake Republican…worse than a Communist Democrat. The next Governor needs to be thoroughly vetted!!! Enough with these Rhinos (Holcomb & Pence)

All these people in the WEF believe in: 1) Control the food, control the people 2) Control the energy, control the Country 3) control the money, control the World.

See and parallelism in what’s occurring around the world and our Country today?

Dave August 23, 2022 at 12:17 pm

Say NO to Communism:

Well we certainly cannot let China dictate what we do. We also need micro chips very badly in this country. I see no problem here. He is going against what communist China wants so I do not see this as a pro communism move. The COVID thing was defiantly a black mark on his record though.

Some are just Communists in the making... August 23, 2022 at 1:54 pm


The China discussion is irrelevant to my point. There are other Communist’s Countries that aren’t named China and are in competition with… and an entire American political party (Democrat Socialists) pushing us away from the constitution.

Try taking a look at everything Holcomb does as its entirety, not just a single event or statement…

Holcomb is not a Republican or certainly not a conservative…He’s a Rino at best. Indiana is only doing well because of Mitch Daniels…Holcomb and Pence road on his policies.

Some politicians do what they say they are going to do, others put on a show for a ‘seat at the table’…Holcomb is a ‘seat at the table’ politician, just like Pence.

You never commented on the WEF….Holcomb gave a speech at Davos for the World Economic Forum….They are all Globalist-fascists’, but don’t take my word for it….I encourage you to Read up on the World Economic Forum and all the policies they are pushing for, and the comments they have made such as what I previously wrote.


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