APIndiana News

Indiana To Challenge Three Biden Vaccine Mandates In Court

(Photo Supplied/Rokita for Senate)

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita says the state will challenge the Biden administration’s latest workplace vaccine mandates in three separate lawsuits in the coming week. Indiana plans to file its first lawsuit Thursday afternoon, challenging the mandate requiring federal contractors to be vaccinated. It expects to file a separate lawsuit Friday against the Occupational Safety and Health Administration mandate, which will require Americans who work at companies with 100 or more employees to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. The state will file a third lawsuit next week, pushing back against a vaccine mandate for those who work in nursing homes, hospitals and other facilities that receive money from Medicare and Medicaid.

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1 comment

Slacker06 November 5, 2021 at 9:38 am

These mandates violate the whole concept of liberty in our Republic. They violate the 10th Amendment because the Federal Government does not have this power in the US Constitution. IT violates many other liberties where a person has control over his or her healthcare decisions. It is fascism by ordering companies to do something while not owning those companies. I thought we operated under the manta, “My Body, My Choice.” Or is that only operable when we want to kill babies? Covid killed fewer than the generic flu usually does, especially in school kids. In 2020 there was NO overall increase in deaths in this country. The numbers are phony and we should reject any orders based on them. Fauci lies every time he opens his pie hole. Why isn’t he in jail for torturing dogs and killing people? Natural immunity is more robust that the “vaccines” that are really just shots that have to be renewed. The studies that show the shots are efficacious stop at 3-months. Why not study 6, 9, 04 12 months? What are they hiding? Why aren’t the CDC, NIH, and FDA tracking those who get shots past 3-months? What if you get the shot and then in a year or two millions of people are having serious health issues because of the shot. Did you sign a release form that holds everyone harmless from the nurse up to Dopey King Xo because of the shot? Big Pharma has the country by the short hairs. Just Say NO! GO TODD GO! At least one Hoosier plans to protect us from medical skullduggery.


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