Farm News

Regional Dairy Meetings

Purdue Extension is partnering with Indiana Dairy Producers and the Indiana Forage Council to offer the annual Indiana Regional Dairy Meetings at three locations in Northern Indiana.

 The meetings will be primarily educational, with speakers presenting information on the business, health management and technological aspects of the dairy industry. Each meeting will include an Indiana Dairy Producers strategic plan update presented by Steve Obert, IDP president, and Doug Leman, IDP executive director.

All meetings, with the exception of the one in Middlebury, will run from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. The Middlebury meeting will begin at 10 a.m. All meeting times are EST, except for the Evansville meeting, which will be at 9 a.m. CST:

* Jan. 27: Bartholomew County 4-H Fairgrounds, Family Arts Building, 750 W. 200 S., Columbus. Speaker: Dave Hickman of Avancos Global, “Team-building and Employer-Employee Relations.” Contact: 812-379-1665.

* Feb. 4: Essenhaus Conference Center, 240 U.S. 20, Middlebury. Speaker: Tom Fuhrmann, DVM, DairyWorks Management, “Managing Employees for Productivity and Efficiency.” Contact: 574-825-9447.

* Feb. 5: The Farmstead Inn, 370 S. Van Buren St., Shipshewana. Speaker: Tom Fuhrmann, DVM, DairyWorks Management, “Managing Employees for Productivity and Efficiency.” Contact:  260-768-4595.

* Feb. 6: Back 40 Junction Restaurant, 1011 N. 13th St., Decatur. Speaker: Tom Fuhrmann, DVM, DairyWorks Management, “Managing Employees for Productivity and Efficiency.” Contact: 260-724-3355.

Registration is due Jan. 23 for the first three conferences, and Jan. 30 for the last three. Participants may register online at; by mail, 205 W. Gordon Francesville, IN 47946; email,; or phone, 317-695-8228.

Co-Sponsored by Purdue

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