Indiana News

Senator Braun Vocal About Making Spending Cuts Happen In Washington, D.C.

Indiana US Senator Mike Braun

WASHINGTON, D.C. (NETWORK INDIANA):  House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is proposing spending cuts as lawmakers continue to squabble over the country’s financial future.

In an address in New York City this week, McCarthy called on President Biden to “stop wasting time” and negotiate with House Republicans on raising the debt ceiling. Lawmakers will need to do that in the coming months in order for the U.S. to avoid defaulting on its debt.

“If Washington wants to spend more, it’ll have to come together to find savings elsewhere,” McCarthy said. “Just like every single American household does every single day.”

Biden has remained insistent that he will not negotiate over concerns that Republicans will include cuts to Social Security and Medicaid, something McCarthy has repeatedly said will not happen.

Sen. Mike Braun of Indiana is hopeful House lawmakers can get a deal done that will have spending cuts, but he adds that the spending problems the U.S. is dealing with are bipartisan.

“It’s driven by the defense hawks and neo-Cons on our side, 14 of them or so, that line up with almost every Democrat who is unapologetic about borrowing and spending the money,” Braun said on Fox Business.

Braun said it would not be hard to find reasonable spending cuts over ten years in a balanced budget proposal he introduced last year. Ultimately, he said regardless of what the House passes, it will come down to what kind of consensus can be built in the U.S. Senate.

“Will he hold together? Are we the party of fiscal conservativism? It’s going to be on the line,” said Braun. “I think Kevin (McCarthy) is going to do what they need to do there. Let’s see what we can do in the Senate. But, until we hold the line across the board, don’t expect anything to change in the U.S. Senate.”

Democrats, mainly Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, accuse Speaker McCarthy of pushing the U.S. toward a “catastrophic default” by insisting on spending cuts as part of a debt ceiling deal. Schumer said cuts should not be a pre-condition for avoiding default.

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1 comment

Slacker06 April 19, 2023 at 7:59 am

Start by cutting the funding for the fully politicized Department of Just-us. The FBI is out of control. The AFT director has twice failed to define the term “assault weapon” yet he wants to ban them. BAN WHAT? The last ineffectual ban only banned certain cosmetic attributes of certain rifles such as bayonet lugs. When was the last time you saw a mass killing using a bayonet?? or a flash hider that made the killing easier? He says Congress will have to define what an assault weapon is, then goes into the power of certain rifle cartridges.

While unable to define assault weapon his agency is in constant flux on what a machine gun is or how a bump stock makes a self loading rifle into a machine gun (IT DOESN’T) ignoring the definition that Congress has already written into federal law. Spendthrifts in Congress want to build a new HQ for FBI and AFT. Dozens of federal unelected officials have come before committees of both houses of Congress and LIED through their teeth.

There needs to be a law that when such an official LIES to Congress, the agency he works for gets an immediate $5-million deduction in their budget for each lie. Soon enough those officials will stop lying to The People and their elected representatives, lose their jobs, or the offending agency will cease to exist, which is a good thing for LIBERTY. The late great US Senator Everett Dirksen used to say, “A $-million here and a $-million there and pretty soon you have big money.” Big money indeed. Never forget all those millions, now billions or trillions, is OUR MONEY being used against us and our Constitution and our God Given Liberty.


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