Local News

$6,000 Raised By Carroll Students

Money has been donated to CHS staff member with leukemia…


FORT WAYNE, Ind. – Thursday Dec, 20 2012 – A check for $6,000 was presented to Janelle Carpenter, on behalf of Carroll High School, during halftime of the Staff vs Seniors Holiday Hoops Basketball Game on Thursday. CHS Students also collected just over 2,800 canned food items which will be used in the upcoming CANstruction competition and will eventually be donated to a food bank. Finally, around 2 dozen items were collected to be donated to the Parkview Oncology department.

In August of 2012, Janelle Carpenter, a technology specialist with Northwest Allen County Schools, was diagnosed with leukemia. Janelle has been a member of the district family since 2000.

Traditionally, on the last day before winter break, staff members take on a team of senior students in an exhibition basketball game. The game is meant to celebrate the first semester of school and the end of finals week. Students are encouraged to donate two dollars for admittance to the game. Additionally, Carroll’s Student Council has pledged to donate an extra dollar for every can of food that is donated.

Northwest Allen County School District community residents have been so supportive and giving towards students and programs at every building throughout the district that the students and staff at CHS are glad to give back during the holiday season.

Over the years, the Carroll High School Community has teamed-up to raise more than $35,000 for local charities.

Also at halftime, the staff treated the students to a “Gangnam Style” Flash Mob.

The exhibition game ended in a 24 – 24 OT tie, continuing an 8 year unbeaten streak by the CHS Staff.

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