Indiana News

Indiana Flu Deaths Rose by 30 Last Week to 66 Total

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) _ Health officials say Indiana recorded 30 flu-related deaths last week, raising to 66 the number of such deaths in the state this season.
The latest flu report issued Friday by the Indiana State Department of Health says 26 of the 30 deaths during the week ending Jan. 3 were among people older than 65, an age group that accounts for 60 of the deaths this season. Four others this season have been among people ages 50-64 and two among people ages 25-49.
Six or more flu deaths have been recorded in Lake, Allen, St. Joseph, Kosciusko and Tippecanoe counties, and five in Hamilton County.
The report says the percentage of flu-related illnesses reported by a statewide surveillance system fell to 4.7 percent last week from 8.2 percent the previous week.

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