Indiana NewsLocal News

More baby boxes in Indiana?

(Photo supplied/Safe Haven Baby Boxes)

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — An Indiana legislator is proposing legislation that would allow for expanded use of baby boxes in which a mother could anonymously give up her newborn.

Republican state Sen. Travis Holdman of Markle announced Wednesday his bill would allow fire departments that are continually staffed to install the devices.

A state law passed last year allows for such boxes at hospitals, though proponents say none have been installed yet. Two fire departments that previously installed such devices were also grandfathered in under the law.

RELATED: Holcomb approves “baby box” bill

Baby boxes are heated and contain an alarm that alerts when a baby is placed inside. But child welfare authorities have voiced concerns about a lack of safeguards in place to ensure the safety of the boxes.

Holdman says his latest effort helps address those concerns by only allowing the boxes to be installed continuously staffed locations.


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1 comment

Jean & Michael Morrisey January 3, 2018 at 4:46 pm

A friend would tell you if you were falling for a scam. Consider this exactly that.
These “baby boxes” out of Indiana are a scam, and 100% illegal.
Here are the facts. They can ALL be verified — which I expect you to do.
* It’s illegal to lock a baby into a box in an empty building. Doesn’t matter if it’s supposedly for a few minutes, hours or days. It’s illegal.
** The Indiana “baby boxes” are just a converted plastic “Tuff Box” that you can buy at any Home Depot/Lowe’s. They are not safe for any newborn to be in as they have never been checked against FDA or Consumer Product Safety Commission Regulations for incubators. But the scam artist pushing them is saying they are “high tech,climate controlled incubators.”
Here is a one page fact sheet about just a few of the FDA regs:
*** You will never see this AP award winning expose on the “baby boxes” Facebook pages. It shows what a scam they are, . What’s incredible is that someone tries to continue this scam after being exposed this way!
Or this:
**** City after city in three states have slammed the door on so-called “baby boxes.” The latest was this week in the tiny Village of Pioneer, Ohio. An adamant victim of the “baby boxes” scam has been trying to get one installed there, so that Village Council somewhat appeases her, but there will never be a “baby box” installed there!
**** Then there’s the six, plus, negative to “baby boxes” editorials! The hometown newspaper of one of the “baby boxes” advocates has written three editorials against them. All three compared them to the Massachusetts program, which is the best and most successful in the nation. These editorials were all written after extensive interviews with proponents of both programs, and “baby boxes” loses every single time.
BTW, you’ll never see these on the “baby boxes” Facebook site! The sure sign of a scam!
These have been published in 20 different Indiana newspapers. & & & & &
And why would you want to try a totally unproven product, “baby boxes,” when you could just copy the best in the nation program.
But, again, you’ll never read this on the “baby boxes” Facebook page because it would expose the scam.
Read all the links, watch all the videos, become educated on the issue.
And there are dozens of other links from proper Indiana state agencies that will tell you what a scam this truly is.
Don’t think this “saved baby” story wasn’t a scam on a young woman either. The evidence says it very well could have been.
Don’t fall for it.


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