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Residents tour “MamaJo”

(Photo Supplied/City of Fort Wayne)

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WOWO): Fort Wayne residents got an up-close look at “MamaJo” yesterday.

MamaJo is a 20 foot tall and 400-foot long tunnel boring machine, and will be used to drill a five-mile-long tunnel hundreds of feet below Fort Wayne, in an effort to limit sewage overflows into Fort Wayne’s rivers.

City Utilities spokesman Frank Suarez tells our Partners in News at ABC 21 more than 1,000 people took a tour:

“This is the largest investment that we’ve made in infrastructure in Fort Wayne. Because of that, there’s been a lot of interest, and the public wanted to see it.”

City officials let the public tour the massive machine during Visit Fort Wayne’s “Be a Tourist in your Own Hometown” event Sunday.

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