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Tribe makes public statement against “Anthony Wayne Day”

(Source: https://goo.gl/ZEzPdd License: https://goo.gl/sZ7V7x)

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WOWO): A Native American Tribe with roots in the area that now makes up Fort Wayne has taken issue with the City Council’s recent vote to establish “Anthony Wayne Day”.

The Miami Tribe of Oklahoma, in a letter to WOWO News, says they’re calling on the City Council to rescind the resolution that sets Anthony Wayne Day for July 16th, saying Councilman Jason Arp’s resolution includes “inaccurate historical data pertinent to the Tribes upon whose homelands the city now stands.”

The letter says the resolution wrongly states that, in one battle, tribes were led by British officers, when instead they were led by their own captains.

In addition, the letter criticizes the fact that the resolution “makes no attempt to recognize” the negative impact on Tribal Nations by actions of the US Army under Wayne’s leadership, and argues that “Anthony Wayne Day” would implicitly commemorate those actions.

Read the full letter below:

(WOWO News)(WOWO News)(WOWO News)(WOWO News)(WOWO News)(WOWO News)(WOWO News)

The Allen County-Fort Wayne Historical Society provided the following statement:

For 98 years, the community has entrusted the Allen County-Fort Wayne Historical Society (The History Center) with serving present and future generations by collecting, preserving and sharing artifacts, documents and images that describe the people, places and events that define Fort Wayne and Allen County history.  The organization adheres to a rigorous code of professional standards and ethics that requires historical interpretations to reflect thorough research, sound scholarship, temporal context and cultural inclusiveness.  The History Center was not consulted in the creation of the “Mad Anthony Wayne Day” resolution; however, if City Council wishes to address the concerns regarding the accuracy of the history included in R-19-02-12, the organization would eagerly consider such a request.

The Resolution in question can be read here.

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Linda Ogram March 25, 2019 at 2:48 pm

Will it never end? The political correctness and supposed Offended people of every part of the U.S. is getting really old. It doesn’t matter what side of the aisle you are on or what race you originated from, there will always be something to be offended about. Leave it alone!

Allen S March 25, 2019 at 3:59 pm

Do what needs to be done with the Miami then honor them as well as Wayne.
Ft. Wayne, do something different and be a leader of something that’s ahead of the curve for once.
I think Wayne should be honored but had it not been for the Miami would Ft. Wayne have here?

Allen S March 25, 2019 at 4:00 pm

*been here?

Rocky March 25, 2019 at 7:08 pm

How does anyone know the Historical Facts? Anyone still alive from the Wayne days? Next thing you know, they will petition the City Counsel to change the name of the City.

Marie March 26, 2019 at 9:14 am

Facts actually do matter. Rescind the resolution and correct it to be one that honors our true history.


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