FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WOWO): Purdue Fort Wayne released that Allen County grew by 2,337 residents from 2021 to 2022, according to the county-level population estimates that were released today by the U.S. Census Bureau. Allen County is Indiana’s third-largest county by population and has exceeded the state growth rates since 2020.
Allen County also enjoyed a positive annual net domestic migration number of 484 people, comparing those who moved in to those who moved out from or to a location within the United States. For international migration, Allen County gained 844 residents from relocations outside the United States. Allen County gained 1,190 new natural residents as a result of more births than deaths in 2022.
“While Allen County’s net domestic migration in 2022 has slowed compared to recent years, it still showed a positive number for 2022 compared to 2021,” said Rachel Blakeman, director of the Purdue University Fort Wayne Community Research Institute. “In all, I was not surprised by these numbers on a regional level. ”
Population estimates use July 1 as the count date. The 2020 estimate is adjusted from the April 1 decennial tally. The city and town populations will come out later this year.
For the Census Bureau’s news release for this data release click here