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Chester the Bobcat makes the Fort his home

Photo supplied/Black Pine Animal Sanctuary

ALBION, Ind. (WOWO): A new arrival makes Black Pine Animal Sanctuary their home.

Chester the Bobcat formerly known as Bane, was seized by Kentucky Fish and Wildlife in February of 2023 after neighbors complained to authorities that he was being kept as a pet.

Unfortunately, his owners did not check state laws, as it is illegal in Kentucky to own native wildlife as pets. The bobcat had been privately owned since he was a kitten, having been acquired from a private breeder in Arkansas.

As a pet, the then-named “Bane”, was taught to use a toilet, interact with humans, and had his food microwaved.  These actions made it impossible for the bobcat to be released in the wild.

Once Chester’s story went viral hundreds of requests were received to provide him with a new home.  Black Pine Animal Sanctuary was chosen due to being a GFAS (Global Federation of Accredited Sanctuaries) and its experience in taking in former exotic pets.

Black Pine reports that Chester is a young, healthy bobcat and is quickly adapting to his new home.  His new habitat is located next to current bobcat residents Walter and Evaki and still getting to know each other.

For those wanting to see Chester, Black Pine is open Thursday through Sunday from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

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1 comment

Dan Weirich June 20, 2023 at 7:56 am

Seems to me the headline should be, … makes Albion his home… Albion and Black Pine are a terrific part of Noble County.


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