Local News

City to Hold Public Meetings on Fiscal Strategies

FORT WAYNE, Ind (WOWO): Today the City of Fort Wayne announced that two meetings will be held to help citizens and business leaders gain a better understanding of the ideas that have been outlined to save community money and bring additional revenue to the City. The scheduled of meetings is listed below. 

Schedule of meetings:

Citizen and Neighborhood focus:
6:00 p.m. Wednesday, April 24
Omni Room in Citizens Square; 200 E. Berry St.

Business leaders focus:
8:00 a.m. Thursday, May 2
Chamber Building; 826 Ewing St.

Fort Wayne is the first city in Indiana to assemble a team of local and state experts, members of City Council and City staff to develop strategies to fight looming budget issues.
In the coming weeks, City Council will be evaluating and discussing the framework of ideas that have been presented. The Mayor’s administration and City Council will work to make final decisions in the May-June timeframe. 

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