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Congressman Stutzman Issues Statement on Farm Bill

 FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WOWO): Congressman Marlin Stutzman today issued the following remarks on the Farm Bill, which the Senate will consider today:

“The Farm Bill that the Senate considers today is the perfect example of Washington’s deception and waste.

“There is not a lot of farm in the Farm Bill. In fact, about 80 percent of this trillion dollar spending bill goes into food stamps.

“For decades, Washington combined food stamps and farm programs in a way that prevents real reforms.

“Last summer, House Republicans voted to end business as usual and separate the Farm Bill into a true farm-only Farm Bill and separate food stamp legislation.

“Farm policy and food stamps are different policies and they deserve two different votes.

“That’s exactly what the House did last summer. We doubled the savings to taxpayers and enacted true reforms. Unfortunately, the bill that the Senate will consider today is just more business as usual.

“Not only does this Farm Bill recombine farm programs and food stamps, it actually spends even more than the bill Senate Democrats passed last year. That’s not compromise.

“Today, both parties will complain about how this bill isn’t perfect but they’ll agree to look the other way and spend more money Washington doesn’t have. We’re $17 trillion in debt. Hoosiers have heard this before.”

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