APIndiana News

Facebook free speech lawsuit settled in Indianapolis suburb

(Source: http://bit.ly/1UlJoz4 License: http://bit.ly/1PpGKT1)

BEECH GROVE, Ind. (AP) – An Indianapolis suburb has settled a lawsuit accusing it of violating free speech rights when it removed two women’s critical comments on its Facebook page.

Court documents show the plaintiffs will receive nearly $7,500 each in costs and attorneys’ fees. The women will be allowed to post on Beech Grove city-run Facebook pages again. The American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana has filed the lawsuits. The pages were taken down in July.

The city will no longer be allowed to block users or remove their comments because of viewpoint. Instead the city will issue three warnings if officials think policies have been violated. The user can be blocked after three warnings.

City attorney Craig Wiley says Beech Grove is happy to resolve the matter and put the Facebook pages back online.

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1 comment

Jim Krzyzanowski August 8, 2016 at 9:43 am

This is a dangerous precedent. I routinely remove other people’s comments from my Facebook wall. It is my wall. It is not censorship. If you want to say something “bad” about me, say it on your own Facebook wall.


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