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Former V.P. and Indiana Governor, Mike Pence In Fort Wayne Today

Photo supplied/Gov. Mike Pence

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WOWO):  Former Indiana Governor and Vice President of the United States, Mike Pence comes to Fort Wayne today as Pence be on hand at the Clyde Theatre from 4 P.M. to 6:30 P.M. to sign copies of his new book “So Help Me God” beginning with a fireside chat delivered to live guests at around 4 P.M. In addition to the book signing WOWO Afternoon Host, Pat Miller will be broadcasting his show live from the event from 3 P.M. to 6 P.M.

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1 comment

Slacker06 December 21, 2022 at 10:48 am

Mike Pence is undoubtedly a very nice man. Burt he is also an establishment republican. He is more for the government than he is for The People. The Republican party has been infested with his type for decades. They roll over and vote for the same spending and other tyrannical and unconstitutional stuff the Marxicrats vote for in their quest for TOTAL CONTROL over us.

Why do you all think they hated Trump so much? Marxicrats and RINOs worked and voted against his policies. But any one taking an honest look at them see he was for America. He was For Americans. His policies were correct and need to be ongoing. Pence is not the guy to do that. Despite the caterwauling from the left, Trump abides by his oath of office while the rest of the admin and congress ignored theirs.

The truth is coming out about the massive spending package being forced upon us. I recommend you read the stories and then contact you three federal stooges and demand they vote NO! The package is basically illegal. It was not passed under regular order. It is LATE as far as a federal spending package goes. AND it is a porker to the point that PORK is all that is there. People are hurting here at home because of the failed Biden policies but we are sending billions to Ukraine and other places that can shift for themselves. I worked for my money. NO ONE has the right to steal if from me and then take credit for generously spending it on thers I would never directly support.


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