FORT WAYNE, Ind. (Press Release)—Mayor Tom Henry and Fire Chief Eric Lahey Monday announced that the Fort Wayne Fire Department has been awarded an Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) from the Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
The $982,938 award will help the department replace 190 radios. Command and administrative operations will receive 40 new radios and 150 radios will go toward fire suppression and EMT services operations. The Fort Wayne Fire Department will contribute $98,293 in matching funds.
The FWFD is testing newer radio models before making a final purchase. The new radios will be certified as intrinsically safe, which is particularly helpful for firefighters.
“This is a tremendous opportunity for our department and will assist in keeping our firefighters safe,” said Chief Lahey. “We’re appreciative of the grant, and the new radios will make a lasting and meaningful difference in our daily efforts to protect the community.”
Shawn Fort, research and grants manager for the City of Fort Wayne and Mike Reichard, technical director of Fort Wayne 911 communications and radio shop were instrumental in Fort Wayne receiving the grant. Their expertise and leadership are valued and appreciated.