Ft. Wayne MarketLocal News

Fort Wayne officials planning ahead for flood problems with Riverfront project

(Source: https://goo.gl/qqdwnI License: https://goo.gl/sZ7V7x)

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WOWO): The area’s flood warnings are all called off, but a new question remains: what if this past week’s flooding happened after the city of Fort Wayne’s riverfront development project was built?

Steve McDaniel of the city’s Parks Department tells our partners in news at ABC 21 they’re taking flooding into account by planning to make terraces on the lower level of the Riverfront Park out of solid concrete.

“When waters recede, they’re easy to clean, we will have the manpower to come through, clean those, power wash those, broom them off and make sure that they’re durable and ready to use when the waters do recede.”

The city has had an average of six “high water events” per year over the past five years. One option the City is exploring is to entice businesses to build on the edge of the park’s property, where they can benefit from the development without being in danger of floodwaters.

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