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Fort Wayne students to protest gun violence

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WOWO): An event protesting school shootings and gun violence is expected to draw at least 100 people to the Allen County Courthouse this weekend.

Called “Fort Wayne Students Demand Action to Prevent Gun Violence,” it’s set for Sunday from 1pm to 3pm.

IPFW student Brandon Blumenherst is organizing the event, and tells our Partners in News at ABC 21 he and his classmates are tired of it constantly happening.

“What we really want to see out of this is common-sense legislation, like universal background checks,” Blumenherst says. “We’re sick and tired of a lack of effort on the legislature’s part.”

Blumenherst called the massacre at a Florida high school last week the “tipping point.” Right-wing groups are accusing liberals of “hijacking” students’ grief to push an anti-gun agenda.

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1 comment

Jason Jones February 21, 2018 at 11:22 am

Mr. Blumenherst needs to educate himself on the facts before jumping on board the knee-jerk train.

“What we really want to see out of this is common-sense legislation, like universal background checks,” Blumenherst says.

The shooter did pass a background check. However, the ball was dropped numerous times within the last 6 months by a number of departments and agencies, including the FBI.

The vast majority of shootings involve people on psych meds, and people that are already denied the right to possess a firearm. Adding new laws isn’t going to stop criminals. Where was the paid security officer at the FL school when this occurred?

You want to discuss “common sense”? How about training, licensing, and permitting teachers and honorable citizens to carry a concealed firearm in schools as a start? As Joe Biden said after the TX church shooting with Devin Kelley, we’ll always have lone killers. Whether they use a ball bat, machete, vehicle, or firearm, it typically takes a good guy with a gun to stop them.


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