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Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb to sign executive order to toughen restrictions

(Supplied/Gov. Eric Holcomb)

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (WOWO) – Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb has announced that Indiana will move out of stage 5 on November 15. He will then sign a new executive order implementing new restrictions for one month.

Since the state has had a dramatic increase in positivity rates for COVID-19, Governor Eric Holcomb will add restrictions for the entire state including the continued requirement of face coverings.

The Indiana Department of Homeland Security and the Alcohol and Tobacco Commission will continue to check businesses for occupancy, social distancing, and face-covering use, and other executive order components.

The new executive order will have tougher restrictions for the “red” and “orange” counties on the COVID-19 map on the state’s website.  The states are given a color grade based on the weekly positivity rate and cases per 100,000 Hoosiers per week. The colors progress from yellow to orange and then to red.  Yellow having a lower positivity rate and red having the highest. Allen County is coded as orange.

Those in an orange county will have the following limitations:

  •  Indoor or outdoor social gatherings of 50 people or less
  • Special, seasonal or commercial events that are planned for more than 50 people will require the approval of a safety plan by the local health department.
    • Attendance will be limited at winter K-12 extracurricular and co-curricular activities including IHSAA sports is limited to 25 percent capacity. All non-competing and non-performing participants, support personnel, and attendees are required to wear their face coverings at all times.
    • IHSAA football games on Friday, November 20 can continue utilizing IHSAA guidelines that require local health departments and communities to determine the stadium capacity.
    • The IHSAA will work with the Marion County Health Department on a limited spectator plan in regard to the state championship games.

Those in a red county will have the following limitations:

  • Indoor or outdoor social gatherings of 25 people or less
  • Special, seasonal or commercial events that are planned for more than 25 people will require the approval of safety plans by the local health department.  Events are not advised to be held.  College and professional sports are included.
  • All business capacity must adhere to strict social distancing guidelines and curbside pickup is preferred.
  • Local officials may consider limiting hours for bars, nightclubs, and restaurants.
  • Attendance will be limited at winter K-12 extracurricular and cocurricular activities including IHSAA sports are limited to participants, support personnel, and a parent or parents and guardian.

Governor Holcomb said that “unfortunately, too many of us have let our guards down.”  Holcomb states that Indiana was at a 3.9 percent positivity rate when the state moved to stage 5 in September.  Now Indiana is at a 10.3 percent positivity rate.




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Cs November 11, 2020 at 6:41 pm

I’m glad I didn’t vote for Holcomb. Since the number of cases means virtually nothing for most people, why is the increase in cases even germane? Everywhere I go, the vast majority of people have worn masks for several months now, so if they work so well, how is this increase in positive cases happening? Holcomb just keeps doubling down on the dumb.

Laura November 12, 2020 at 10:19 am

Make masks mandatory!!!!! Geez its common damn sense! It’s unbelievable how many people are not wearing masks because they are ignorant or just dumb still thinking Covid-19 is a hoax! It’s infuriating how simple this is! Wear a damn mask to protect yourself and others!!!!!!! So sorry it’s inconvenient but so are a lot of other things!!

Lance November 13, 2020 at 11:43 am

Great job Eric, let’s knock the economy down again for a virus with a 99.9% survival rate. Clown.


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