Local News

Mayor Highlights City’s Strengths in 2013 Budget Discussion

Fort Wayne, Ind. – Fort Wayne Mayor Tom Henry today discussed the proposed 2013 civil city budget. The 2013 budget is balanced and continues the City’s emphasis on leadership, fiscal discipline and building a stronger and more competitive City.

With each budget under Mayor’s Henry’s leadership, the City has kept finances strong while continuing to provide quality services to residents. 

Fiscal highlights
*City has maintained a solid cash reserve
*City has come under budget every year under Mayor Henry’s leadership
*Through innovation and best practices, nearly $17 million in savings since 2008. Examples include healthcare and joint purchasing.
*The 2013 budget calls for a 2% increase for city employees
*City will continue review of all new hires to ensure positions are justified and that other options have been considered

Property tax caps and levy cuts have resulted in the City providing $60 million in property tax relief since 2008. The proposed budget calls for the City to utilize the State’s allowable tax levy which would preserve funding for essential services. 

“I appreciate the hard work of our division heads and all City employees as we work together to make our City the best it can be,” said Mayor Henry. “Our 2013 budget is a continuation of our commitment to utilizing resources in the most effective way possible and positioning our community to be a place that is built for success.”

Past and ongoing fiscal discipline and stewardship place the City in a healthier financial position than numerous cities across Indiana. Nevertheless, the changing economic landscape requires proactive fiscal planning to ensure Fort Wayne remains a vibrant community with the means to serve its residents, secure investment and achieve its goals.

To be better positioned for the future and meet challenges, Mayor Henry launched the Fiscal Policy Project in March. Led by a group of experts, the objective is to gain a full understanding of fiscal conditions and assist in building for the future to keep Fort Wayne competitive.


The budget will be presented to City Council on Tuesday, Sept. 25 and is available online athttp://www.cityoffortwayne.org/smartgov/

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