Local News

New agreement approved by Redevelopment Commission moves Electric Works forward

(Supplied/RTM Ventures)

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WOWO): The redevelopment of the former General Electric campus into Electric Works is closer to becoming a reality.

The Redevelopment Commission on Monday approved a new Economic Development Agreement. Our Partners in News at ABC-21 report that the new agreement follows the cancellation of a previous agreement earlier in the summer – which commission members said was not a mistake.

Additional steps will be necessary to finalize financing, however, officials with the project say that is likely before the end of the year

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1 comment

Steve Brace October 13, 2020 at 10:38 am

Lack of transparency by the commission makes it hard to believe that their cancelling the first agreement was the correct move. Sad to see the mayor be so secretive about the whole thing. Hats off to the city council for pressing the issue. This is one of the problems with un-elected groups ( like the commission ) having such a say in what happens. They act like they are their own little power group reporting to no one. Unfortunately the mayor whom I support really let us down on this project.


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