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North Adams schools add mask mandate

Image by Juraj Varga from Pixabay

DECATUR, Ind. (WOWO): Students attending classes in the North Adams Community Schools district will need to wear a mask inside school buildings, starting today.

Superintendent Kim Hiatt says the move is due to the rapid spread of local COVID-19 cases, as well as based on a recommendation from Adams County Health Commissioner Dr. Michael Ainsworth.

You can watch Hiatt’s update and her reasoning behind it below:

Fort Wayne Community Schools also requires students and staff to “mask up” when indoors, and both the Allen and Noble County Health Commissioners have issued public health advisories this week regarding the recent surge in COVID-19 cases.

Smith-Green Community Schools also switched to virtual learning for at least two weeks, starting today, as a result of COVID-19 cases.

Find the latest state COVID-19 data here.

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Rocky August 25, 2021 at 8:13 am

If everyone wears these masks and it doesn’t stop the spread (It won’t because masks don’t work), can I sue the school board for any loss of wages and/medical related expenses?

Just seems like a stupid response to a stupid flu-like illness warrants a stupid lawsuit

Steven Brace August 26, 2021 at 8:23 am

Studies of Masks continue to support the concept of using an effective mask. Unfortunately all masks are not created equal and some can become dangerous if they harbor dangerous bacteria and other viruses. If we are going to go back to masks it is important to use a correct mask. The N95 mask is the only mask that has been universally shown to be effective. Other masks have had variable effectiveness.

Rocky August 27, 2021 at 11:32 am

“Studies” continue to be propaganda. Actual Scientific Studies show that masks do nothing to stop the spread… Not very easy to find the Real Science on any of this since Google and the media prioritizes propaganda. In addition, the Mask, isn’t the only consideration. How do you handle your mask? Do you re-use your mask? how long do you wear your mask (is it saturated with your exhale)?

There’s a reason the military does not go into a Chemical/biological war threat with an N95. Everyone in the military that has been through Chem Training is laughing at the idea of mask wearing to protect against a biological aerosol. You aren’t protected before you could even smell a fart.

The mask is a symbol of government control, nothing more. Especially while talking about a group of people that is more endangered by the typical flu. Do the math on the CDC website.

Just like the Flu and the Common Cold (also a type of coronavirus), This airborne virus will never be going away, so what are you going to do…wear a mask for the rest of your life?

(Slight subject change) Its also noteworthy: 15 different studies have concluded that if you had the virus, you are more protected than getting a “Vaccine” and taking the “Vaccine” if you already had the virus will degrade any immunity you have. I can post sources


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