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Power2Change marks one year anniversary in Paulding County

PAULDING COUNTY, Ohio (WOWO): One year ago, a group of people committed to helping others out of what seems to be an endless cycle of destructive behavior, was launched in Paulding County, Ohio.

Power2Change is a Christian, faith based program that has seen remarkable success and substantial growth over the past year. In a celebration, held at St. Jacob’s Evangelical Church in Payne, an overview of the program was presented, followed by multiple testimonies, speaking to once shattered lives being changed positively in a uniquely supportive environment.

Power2Change trains volunteers and then coordinates the effort through small group studies in an established curriculum, as well as personal mentoring to free participants from what they call “life controlling problems”, which is defined as anything that masters or controls lives and blocks spiritual growth. This can include substances, such as drugs, alcohol, food and prescription medications.

Also, behaviors, such as anger, gambling, pornography, compulsive spending and even an addiction to work are able to be addressed, as well as relationships that are toxic, enabling or co-dependent.

The curriculum used is a proven program called “Living Free” which has been developed and supported by a non-profit organization that’s been based in Chattanoga, TN for the past 32 years. Living Free is now in more than 114 countries and since 1988 has successfully helped more than two million people.  89 percent of their participants say they are now closer to their family and their faith and are making better, more positive life decisions.

Participants in Power2Change can select from any or all of 8 different topical areas that take a deep dive into defined life controlling problems. Small group meetings last about 90 minutes and meet once per week for 9 to 12 continuous weeks. Personal mentors are also available if needed. Participants are not pressured to say anything in the group setting and are assured of complete confidentiality.

Founded by Dwight Stoller, who himself did battle with a life-controlling problem, Power2Change is staffed entirely by volunteers and pastoral staff who attended training last year in Fort Wayne before launching the group.

Power2Change is not just for those struggling with life-controlling problems. Caregivers or people who are family or friends can attend to find support and be equipped to help. Or, people who are wanting to learn more about helping others are welcome to attend. Volunteers are always welcomed.

For more details or to contact Power2Change, visit their website here. You may also contact Dwight Stoller at (419) 203-1881 or Colette Brown at (419) 784-8404.


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