Rob Smith of the TRAA says many don’t want the fire department running the ambulance service

From Fort Wayne’s Morning News on 10/07/2016

A note from Rob Smith:
“The EMS impact on saving lives is in cardiac arrest. Using the hypothetical of the fire department being on scene 2.5 minuets prior to the ambulance. They would take 30 seconds to get their equipment and get to the patient ( could be longer depending on the location of the patient). The would take 15 seconds to asses. The American Heart Association and regional EMS medical protocol start with CPR for 2 minuets, which is a basic skill. At this point the TRAA Ambulance is on scene and would be at the patient side in 15 seconds. The next step under the AHA and protocol is analyzing the hearts rhythm and defibrillation if needed, this takes 30 seconds. The paramedic from TRAA has been with the patient for 15 seconds and would now start advanced care based on protocol. ”

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