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Secretary of State Releases Primary Election Voter Turnout Report

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (WOWO): Monday afternoon Secretary of State Connie Lawson released the voter turnout report for the May 6th Primary Elections. It showed that 13 percent or 617,156 of Indiana’s 4.5 million registered voters cast a vote in the primaries. 

“I believe our actual voter turnout numbers may be higher than 13 percent,” said Secretary Lawson. “We are currently in the process of updating our voter list, which will give us clear data on Indiana’s real voter turnout numbers in future elections.”

Indiana saw more Hoosiers opt for early voting during the 2014 Primary Election. 16 percent of voters who cast a ballot voted early, compared to 12 percent in 2012 and 11 percent in 2010 and 2008. Indiana also saw an increase in the number of counties moving to the cost-saving vote center model.

“As I traveled throughout Indiana on Election Day, I was impressed with how counties have deployed their vote center operation plans,” said Secretary Lawson.  “Voters showed a positive reaction to the change and appreciated the flexibility in choosing where to vote.”

The complete 2014 Primary Election Turnout and Absentee Chart with voter statistics for each county can be viewed online at http://www.in.gov/sos/elections/primary14/2014PrimaryTurnout.pdf.

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