Farm News

Summertime E15 Saves Money at the Pump

Courtesy; American Coalition for Ethanol

Today, ahead of Joe Biden’s visit to an ethanol plant in Menlo, Iowa, the administration announced the EPA) is planning to issue a national, emergency waiver so E15 can continue to be sold this summer, which will help increase fuel supplies, give consumers more choice to get lower prices, and provide savings to many families. In conjunction, the announcement included updates on more biofuel infrastructure funding and distributions, as well as $700 million in biofuel aid to be awarded yet this month. American Coalition for Ethanol CEO Brian Jennings thanked Biden for these actions in the following statement:
The announcement is great news for the ethanol industry, farmers, and most importantly, American consumers, who are under financial stress from rising energy prices and expenses. E15 is saving families between 10 and 30 cents per gallon, so this is a meaningful step toward reducing gas prices. We appreciate the President making it clear the farmers and biofuel producers who produce American-made ethanol are part of the solution to address pain at the pump.

“Given the long-term importance to ensuring uninterrupted availability of E15 year-round in all parts of the country, we look forward to working with the administration and Congress on a permanent remedy to expand consumer access beyond the emergency measures being taken this summer.

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