Local News

Time to Apply for Wayne Township Scholarships is About to Run Out

Photo Courtesy of Wayne Township Trustee's Office

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WOWO) — Two scholarship opportunities for Wayne Township students are about to see their application deadlines close, on June 7th.

The Richard A. Stevenson Scholarship is a $500 grant for students in good standing who live in Wayne Township and have been accepted into any post-secondary education program. Austin Knox, Wayne Township Trustee, says this scholarship program has been incredibly successful, with a past recipient holding a position within the township office.

The other scholarship is the Academic Encouragement Award, which gives select students, 11th grade and younger, an opportunity to receive an internet-ready tablet, if they can demonstrate academic improvement.

Knox says they don’t have a set number of scholarships, but through private donors, the township will try to meet the needs of the worthiest applicants.

Visit the Wayne Township Trustee for more information

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