Local News

UPDATED: Woman Struck And Killed On Carroll Road Thursday Night

Photo Courtesy: WPTA ABC21

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WOWO):  A woman was struck and killed Thursday evening while using a trail crossing.

Allen County Police Officers were called to the 400 block of Carroll Road west of Gondola Parkway. at 6:36 p.m. A woman was crossing Carroll Road using the Pufferbelly Trail when she was struck and killed by man driving a Toyota Camry.

Officials say the man was driving west on Carroll Road when he saw a blue truck stopped in the road at the trail crosswalk. The man then drove around the truck and struck a woman that was crossing Carroll road. The pedestrian was pronounced dead at the scene.

The Allen County Coroner’s Office has identified the victim as Leisa Elser-Patrick, 63 of Fort Wayne. Her cause of death was due to multiple blunt force injuries and her manner of death was ruled an accident.

The crash is still under investigation.

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LOS September 17, 2021 at 12:43 pm

He should be charged with vehicular manslaughter. I live close to this area, I see people blow through these cross walks all the time, while flashing yellow lights are going off. There’s no way he didn’t see those lights flashing.

sam September 17, 2021 at 4:11 pm

well with these cross walks, the cars have the right of way. the pedestrians are the ones who are intended to wait. these crosswalks are not a stop sign.

Katie September 17, 2021 at 9:05 pm

But he went around a stopped car that was legally yielding to a pedestrian in the crosswalk. You have to yield if someone is in the crosswalk so this was illegal in every sense of the word as he went around a stopped car.

Stan September 17, 2021 at 4:59 pm

With flashing lights and a truck stopped at the crosswalk because the lady was in the crosswalk (thereby giving her the right-of-way), means that he was traveling to fast to stop and just cut around the truck, is blind and can’t see the flashing lights, day-dreaming or just in a rush to get home because he was incapacitated in some manner or he just had to pee. What a shame for this accident. The back entrance to Hampton North Assoc. has no flashing lights, so I as many other residents stop at the crosswalk looking both ways before moving on. Better to be cautious than take or injure an innocent life.

E September 18, 2021 at 3:31 am

So sad, we used to play with Lisa and her brothers when we visited my grand parents in Albion when we were little. I just heard about the accident and hope people realize that crosswalks require you to stop when pedestrians are present. Be careful around bikes and walkers please.

Sam go read your drivers manual before you make a horrible mistake and kill someone.

LOS September 18, 2021 at 8:53 am

I always stop when I see those lights flashing. So be careful everyone when irresponsible, Sam is driving his time is more important than a life. But he’s wearing a mask so he’s being safe.

Wade September 18, 2021 at 1:58 pm

Maybe a small pedestrian bridge could be planned for the future at this crossing.

Wade September 18, 2021 at 2:00 pm

In honor of Elisa. 🙂


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