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Indiana ranks third in the nation for increasing unemployment claims

INDIANA (WOWO): Unfortunately, unemployment is a major issue throughout the nation as coronavirus numbers continue to climb.

The Associated Press reported Thursday that more than 6.6-million Americans applied for unemployment benefits last week, which exceeded a record high set the week prior.

The news gets worse when it’s broken down by state, as Indiana ranks third in the nation in a recent Increase in Unemployment Claims study released by WalletHub.

The study breaks down findings into two categories: Increase in Unemployment Claims in 2020 vs. 2019 and Increase in Unemployment Claims in March 2020 vs. January 2020.

For 2020 vs. 2019, Indiana’s total increase comes in at 7093.46%. For March vs. January, the number is 3198.22%.

The top five states with the highest increase in unemployment are Louisiana, North Carolina, Indiana, New Hampshire, and Florida.

Michigan ranked seventh overall, with a 6467.15% yearly increase, and an increase of 2255.46% in March vs. January.

If you are looking for work, there are some companies looking to hire. You can find that information in the links below:

You can read the full WalletHub study by clicking here.

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