
HealthCall: Experts Say Vaccinnated Are Safe To Drop The Mask

As WOWO News Director, Darrin Wright has mentioned that starting today masks are no longer mandatory in Indiana and here in Allen County.  After a year of disease and death, some are relieved, but others think that’s reckless and we’re easing up too soon.

HealthCall’s Lee Kelso has the opinion of a nationally recognized expert who says if you’re vaccinated, it’s a whole new ballgame.  Lee discussed this during “Fort Wayne’s Morning News” with Kayla.

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1 comment

Lee April 6, 2021 at 3:42 pm

When the new head of the CDC says that she is “going off script” (not really going off script BTW) and “feels a sense of impending doom” that shows you how bad, how truly bad, these people are. She is saying to weak-minded people that she believes the vaccine does not work, that is the message she conveys by saying that. “SCIENCE” which THEY love to say, has shown that it in fact DOES work. I ripped my mask off first thing this morning, and so did all my employees. Enough is enough. DONE. I don’t know about y’all, but I FEEL A SENSE OF IMPENDING FREEDOM. Have a nice day, I’m OUT!


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