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Yeff Miade' July 17, 2023 at 9:37 am

I watch in total disbelief that people actually support the Democrat party. From sexual perversions to outright in your face crime, they are pure evil. That also applies to the corrupt corporate media that “reports” on them which actually amounts to helping cover up for their failures. Joe Biden is the face of the evil Democrats, and he epitomizes their crime spree with his family enriching themselves by selling us all out to our adversaries abroad. There is a provable money trail from the likes of China (the CCP) and Ukraine directly into the bank accounts of the Biden family shell corporations. But the media ignores it all. Cocaine? That is insignificant if we knew the depth of their corruption. Everything they have ever accused President Trump of doing is exactly what they continue to get away with.

Slacker06 July 17, 2023 at 10:48 am

AMEN! it is no longer the democrat party. It is the MARXICRAT party. They are Marxists yet The People can vote them out every two years but don’t. What will it take to open their eyes?


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