Indiana News

Senator Young named Government Leader of the Year by Indiana Chamber

INDIANAPOLIS (WOWO) – U.S. Senator Todd Young has been named the 2023 Birch Bayh-Richard Luger Government Leader of the Year.

Indiana Chamber President and CEO Kevin Brinegar cited Young’s work with the CHIPS Act as one reason for the award. Brinegar said “Senator Young is a true public servant in every sense of the word” and “What he helped accomplish with ‘CHIPS Act’ is so far reaching and really will benefit not only America but the whole western world.”

The CHIPS and Science Act was signed into law last year and is meant to boost investment in domestic high-tech research and bring semiconductor manufacturing back to the U.S.

The award will be presented on November 14 at the Indiana Chamber’s 34th Annual Awards Dinner in Indianapolis.

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Mikey September 6, 2023 at 1:36 pm

His voters would like to name Young the “Indiana RINO of the Year”. Klaus Schwab, George Soros, and top members of the Uni-party would love to present Young with a shiny, plastic award for his continued dedication to betraying his conservative constituents and voting with Democrats to destroy America.

Nic September 8, 2023 at 10:58 am

Amen! I’ve contact his office on several occasions and the reply’s were what I would have expected from a leftist democrat

Slacker06 September 7, 2023 at 9:49 am

RINO of the Year for sure! Toad Young has consistently violated his oath of office to protect and defend the US Constitution. He voted for gun control in opposition to the clear meaning of the 2nd Amendment. He votes to fund the bloated and unconstitutional government according to Article I, Section 8, the 18 Enumerated Powers of Congress. Read that part of the constitution and you can plainly see that at least 80% of our federal government is not authorized. But there he is, Toad Young, voting constantly to fund the abortion we know as the federal government. IN addition, the Chamber of Commerce is also consistently advocating for big and expanding government so their members can grift off the taxpayers. Birds of a feather…………..

Yeff September 7, 2023 at 9:57 am

What a joke! The Chamber of Commerce has long ago sold you out to China and the new world order. Todd Young is a uniparty RINO! He will do whatever Mitch McConnell tells him to do and vote lock step with McConnell and the rest of the Senate Republican uniparty traitors. Campaign to the right. Get to Washington and vote left. Every single time! Are you tired of this crap yet? Both parties are corrupt.


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