Local News

Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades Meets with Pope Francis During Pilgrimage



                                                                                        Photo Credit: L'Osservatore Romano



VATICAN CITY, (WOWO): Monday morning, Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades attended the 7:00 a.m., Mass with Pope Francis at the chapel in the Domus Sanctae Marthae, where the pope lives.

Bishop Rhoades read part of the Eucharistic Prayer in Italian. He told Today's Catholic that the Mass was very simple and very prayerful. He said there were about 40 people in attendance and about half were priests.

After Mass, Bishop Rhoades said everyone gathered in quiet prayer with the pope. Pope Francis then greeted Bishop Rhoades. Bishop Rhoades assured Pope Francis of the prayers of the diocese and the pope offered his blessing upon the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend. Bishop Rhoades thanked Pope Francis for his ministry to the Church and said he looked forward to his visit to the United States in September.

According to a press release from the Diocese of Fort Wayne –South Bend, the bishop is in Rome with a contingency from Saint Mary’s College.


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