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Public Input Needed for Regional Projects

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WOWO): Northeast Indiana is contending for its share of $84 million from the State's Regional Cities Initiative.

The goal is to spark communities around the state to invest in quality of place projects that will attract talent to Indiana.

The goal is to spark communities around the state to invest in quality of place projects that will attract workers to Indiana. This comes as the region is bracing for a deficit of talent as the work force reaches retirement age. 

President John Sampson of the Northeast Indiana Regional Partnership is sifting through some $1 billion of investment and 70 projects

In Northeast Indiana, 11-counties are mounting a proposal and you can offer your feedback, now through June 15.

Input received will go be used for the a proposal due July 1. Click here for more info.

Sampson says after reviewing communities that are considered prime destinations around the county he found one consistent theme.

“There's no magic to to this. It's about the will, commitment and leadership of a community.”

Here's a full press release describing the process:

Public Feedback Solicited for Regional Cities Proposal
FORT WAYNE, Ind. – Phase 1 Projects that are under consideration for inclusion in the Northeast Indiana Regional Cities Initiative proposal are now available online for public comment. The Northeast Indiana Regional Partnership and Greater Fort Wayne Inc. have been working over the last six months to assemble a slate of quality of life projects to submit for the state’s Regional Cities Initiative competition in order to win $42 million in matching funds for the region. Public feedback is being solicited between now and June 15.
The goal of the Regional Cities Initiative is to make Indiana a magnet for talent attraction by creating a national identity for Indiana cities. Regions have been invited to submit proposals to the state by July 1 with a slate of game‐changing, quality of life projects (amenities and attractions that will attract and retain young talent).
To date, an “unfiltered” portfolio of $1 billion of investment and over 70 projects from across the 11-county region has been compiled. This portfolio will be refined after the public comment period ends and before it is submitted to the state. The Steering Committee will weigh the public’s priorities and comments along with the IEDC Regional Cities guidelines to ensure that each project in the portfolio significantly adds to our competitive position to win these matching funds. 
“We are confident that we are creating a compelling proposal that will accelerate growth in our region, the likes of which we’ve never seen before,” said Regional Cities Initiative Steering Committee Co-Chair Tim Pape, partner at Carson Boxberger. “We have a relentless drive to succeed here in Northeast Indiana; and we believe the state will see our potential for progress and have no doubt that we are indeed an investment-worthy community.”
The proposal draws from hundreds of existing community plans, focus groups in each of the 11 counties, interviews with stakeholders, walking tours, and planned private sector investments. The full portfolio will be inclusive of Phase 1 Projects (years 1 and 2); longer term projects (years 3-8 implementation); and ideas for projects beyond the state’s initial 8-year timeframe. 
The public is being asked to weigh in and help prioritize the draft slate of Phase 1 Projects (to be completed in years 1 and 2). 
“We are asking for your input to make sure our Phase 1 projects reflect the gritty determination and bold ingenuity that this region is known for.” said Regional Cities Initiative Steering Committee Co-Chair Tom Leedy, president of the Dekko Foundation.  “We are the largest regional collaboration in the state, and we know that we are stronger together. That collaboration is what has gotten us this far and we look to you now again to offer your feedback as we near the finish line.”
To provide feedback on the proposed Phase 1 Projects, go to www.neindiana.com/regionalcities.

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